How Many House of Representatives Are in Each State

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Who decides how many members of the Usa House of Representatives each state receives? PowerPoint Presentation
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Who decides how many members of the U.s. House of Representatives each state receives?
Who decides how many members of the U.s. House of Representatives each state receives?
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Who decides how many members of the US Firm of Representatives each state receives?
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Who decides how many members of the Usa Business firm of Representatives each land receives? Read on to find out!
1 &ii. The Usa Census & Reapportionment • Every x years the US Census Bureau records the population of the United states. In addition to recording the population they record lots of demographic information. • "Reapportionment" is the process of dividing the 435 memberships, or seats, in the House of Representatives amid the fifty states--Census Agency conducts the census at 10-year intervals. At the conclusion of each census, it uses the results for calculating the number of House memberships each land is entitled to take. The latter process is the initial use of the basic results of each census.
iii. What happens after Reapportionment? • Title thirteen, U.South. Lawmaking requires that the apportionment population counts be delivered to the President inside 9 months of the demography date. In Census 2000 and most 20th century censuses, the census date has been April one, significant that the Office of the President received the counts by December 31 of each demography twelvemonth. • According to Championship 2, U.Southward. Code, inside ane week of the opening of the side by side session of the Congress, the President must study to the Clerk of the Firm of Representatives the apportionment population counts for each country and the number of Representatives to which each state is entitled. • Also according to Title two, U.S. Code, inside 15 days, the Clerk of the Business firm must inform each land governor of the number of representatives to which each state is entitled. • The legislatures in each state are responsible for geographically defining the boundaries of their congressional and other ballot districts--a process known every bit REDISTRICTING--and more than detailed census results are used for these purposes.
iv & 5. Reapportionment last took identify in 2001. The results are below:
6 & 7. Redistricting- After the 435 House of Representative seats are divided amid all 50 states the state legislatures are responsible for drawing the new Business firm of Representative commune boundaries. The state legislature, in Maryland the General Associates, must draw the boundaries for each district of the U.s.a. House of Representatives and the Governor must approve of the new boundaries. Checks and balances are used to brand sure that no one party has total control over cartoon legislative districts unless the people of that state just vote for one political party.
eight. Redistricting in Maryland Maryland currently is appropriated viii members of the House of Representatives and two United states of america Senators like every other country. In 2000 the General Associates was given the opportunity to redistrict the boundaries of the Business firm of Representative districts. At that time the Governor was a Democrat and the General Associates was dominated by Democrats. Every bit a outcome the commune boundaries were drawn in a way that favored Democrats.
Compare the maps in the side by side two slides. The 1 below existed between 1991-2001
The legislative map below is the current map of district boundaries for members of the Us House of Representatives in Maryland.
Redistricting in Maryland resulted in 2 Republicans being voted out of function and replaced by Democrats in the 2002 election. To learn more near how redistricting affected Maryland click belowRedistricting in Maryland Or More on Redistricting
If y'all await closely you will notice that district 8's boundaries were changed to include Leisure Earth, downtown Silver Bound and Takoma Park, all areas where over 75% of the residents vote for Democrats.
ix. At the aforementioned time, much of northern Montgomery canton, an surface area where much more evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans was added to district 4. As a result, the Republican incumbent, Connie Morella of commune 8 lost her seat to the Democrat Chris Van Hollen in 2002.
As y'all might imagine Connie, the Republican, was sad and Chris, the Democrat, was happy! That'due south the nature of politics, but Connie's loss and Chris' win had less to practise with their ideas than the Congressional districts they ran in. Chris can tribute his victory to the fact that Democrats controlled both the Governor'south function and the General Associates during the redistricting process that takes place every 10 years. Connie claimed that the district boundaries had been gerrymandered!
x. What is gerrymandering?Gerrymandering is a verb that describes how Congressional districts are drawn to favor one political party over some other. Gerrymandering a district based on race is illegal, only all other forms of gerrymandering done during the redistricting procedure are legal.
11. The Congressional district below was drawn to make sure that a Democrat won it. If you lot look closely information technology contains many different cities that have piddling in common like Annapolis, Baltimore and Columbia, Doctor.
The Balloter College How is the President elected?
xiii. Earlier Presidents were directly voted for by the citizens of the US they were chosen by members of the House of Representatives. The Balloter College is relic (historical artifact) of that time in the United States. Specified in Commodity Two, Department 1 of the Constitution, the Electoral College elects the nation's president. The Electoral Higher was a compromise worked out during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that allowed minor and large states, and Federalists and Antifederalists, to feel that their interests were being met. The Electoral College placed power in the hands of the states past assuasive state delegates to choose the president. The Balloter College is an important invention of the early republic and signifies the Founding Fathers' distrust of popular sovereignty. The electoral college organisation came about afterward great debate regarding the partitioning of powers within the new nation. Delegates to the convention voted down four proposals to allow Congress to elect the president. Twice they voted that the citizenry should non choose the president. Believing that the boilerplate citizen was not sufficiently educated enough to vote, delegates feared such popular democracy. Slave states like Virginia and North Carolina also feared that since they had fewer white inhabitants than northern states, their attachments to slavery might be compromised.
14. Electoral College Continued Within the convention, a grouping known every bit the Committee of 11 began studying various means of electing the president and recommended on September 4 that a college of electors would elect the president. The plan held that each state would have electors, called by the state legislature, and equal in number to the sum of the land's representatives and senators. The only task of the electors would be to make up one's mind who would be president and vice president. If no candidate gained a bulk, as happened in 1800 and 1824, so the House of Representatives would cull the president. With little argue, the Constitutional Convention adopted the electoral college plan on September 8, 1787. Alexander Hamilton wrote of the Electoral College in the Federalist Papers in 1788, "If the manner of it be non perfect, it is at to the lowest degree splendid." The Electoral College kept the presidency out of the reach of directly republic. One reason there was so little debate on the Electoral Higher was that everyone causeless that George Washington would be chosen president, regardless of the organisation of election. With so many pressing issues to solve, they agreed quickly on the electoral college system. Convention delegates as well causeless that in one case Washington'south tenure every bit president was over, there would exist no possibility of gaining an accented bulk for whatever one candidate, which meant that the president would and so be adamant past the Business firm of Representatives. They could not accept known how entrenched the political political party system in the Usa would get, or that the organisation would be amended in 1828 to brand the Balloter Higher more responsive to the popular vote.
Why does the United States utilise the Electoral College to elect Presidents? The Balloter Higher organization had its roots in the historical tradition of some medieval countries that used a group of nobles to select their ruler rather than a straight voting system or a hereditary monarchy. The Cosmic Church building used a like concept for the process of papal selection, which was left in the hands of Church cardinals. The Usa' Founding Fathers adopted the same type of organization every bit a safeguard for their great experiment in democracy and outlined it in Commodity II, Section 1 of the Constitution (1787). Although some of the founders supported the notion of direct presidential election, others feared that giving a population, which was not only largely uneducated just likewise new to the concept of choosing its own leaders, the power to select a principal executive would be a recipe for disaster. To temper the result of those voters, the United States' founders devised the idea of representatives from each state choosing the president, proportionally to their population, with the method each country used to select those representatives upwards to the states.
xv. Why the Electoral College Continued? The Electoral College had the added reward of appealing to 2 groups that the nation'southward founders needed to appease in order to be successful in establishing their government: small states and slave states. Voters in both of those types of states would see their vote counted unduly more than in big or free states. Small states' voters had a larger say because each state, no matter its size, was granted ii senators and a representative; therefore, even a tiny state was guaranteed three electoral votes. Because the number of senators does not alter with the size of a state, smaller states accept always made up a proportionately larger slice of the electoral pie than their size would warrant in a directly ballot. Similarly, because of the 3-fifths compromise of the Constitutional Convention, slave states counted the enslaved population when representation was determined in Congress; just because slaves could not vote, the importance of a freedman'due south vote in a slave state was proportionally enlarged. The Founding Fathers left the method past which the Balloter Higher was chosen up to the private states, merely past 1836, most states had settled on the system of using the results from the popular election to accolade all their electors to the victorious candidate. That system continued in all states for over a century, just in 1969, legislators in the land of Maine chose instead to apportion their electoral votes in a modified-proportional system. Nether that method, Maine's 2 electoral votes representing its ii senators would always be awarded to the winner of the popular vote, but the remaining electoral votes would be doled out by congressional district, with the winner in each district the recipient of one elector. Nebraska followed suit in 1991, and the two remain the only states to employ a proportional form of voting. Thus far, neither state has actually split its vote in any presidential ballot.
16. How many balloter college votes are there today? Today there are 538 electoral votes: (House of Representatives= 435) +(U.s. Senate= 100) + (District of Columbia= iii)= 538
17. How many electoral higher votes does a candidate demand to go President? A candidate must win 270 or more electoral votes out of 538 in a presidential ballot in social club to win Click on the post-obit website and answer the post-obit questions about the electoral college: http://world wide • Click on the post-obit website to larn about which political party different states tend to vote for based on past elections. http://world wide
How are electoral votes distributed to each state? If you add together together the number of US Senators and the number of members of the Firm of Representatives of a particular state yous become the number of electoral votes that state is apportioned (given). For example: (# of Maryland Senators=2) + (# of Usa House of Representatives in Maryland=9)= Maryland is allocated eleven total electoral votes
Balloter Votes of other states State #of US Senators + # of US Representatives = Total Electoral Votes Maryland two nine 11 Ohio 2 18 twenty Wyoming 2 i 3 California two 53 55
18. Based on the number of House of Representative members that states are each allocated find out the # of electoral votes that Texas and Florida receive.
What happens if no candidate receives 270 or more electoral votes? If there are more than than two candidates at that place is a possibility that no one will receive 270 or more electoral votes. If no candidate receives 270 or more votes then the House of Representatives decides who will be the next President. In that scenario each state receives 1 vote decided upon by the state's US House Representatives. The candidate who gets the almost votes is and so elected President and the candidate who gets the second most votes is elected Vice-President.
Answer the following questions or else! The Electoral Higher
Based on the following information who was elected President of the Usa? nineteen. In 2000 George Westward. Bush and Richard Cheney received 271 Balloter Votes and l,456,062 pop votes Albert Gore, Jr. and Joseph Lieberman received 266 Electoral Votes and 50,996,582 pop votes Who won the election? Why? 20. 1824 Election Results (271 Electoral Higher Votes Available) John Quincy Adams- xxx.ix% of the vote and 99 electoral votes Andrew Jackson-41% and 84 William Crawford- 15% and 41 Henry Clay-12.9% and 37 Who decided who won? Who won?
More Balloter Higher Questions 21. In 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes received iv,036,572 and won 185 votes Samuel Tilden received 4,284,020 votes and won 184 votes Who won? Why? 22. In 2008 if Hillary Clinton receives 200 electoral votes and Rudy Guiliani receives 220 and the tertiary candidate receives 18 electoral votes? Who will decide who is the next president?
23. For more than information nigh the Balloter College Check out the following sites • Arguments For and Confronting the Electoral College • Past Balloter Higher Results
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